Naz, affectionately known among his peers, embodies the essence of our youth club’s spirit as a remarkable new addition. His unwavering enthusiasm permeates every activity, a testament to his remarkable attitude. Radiating joy with an ever-present smile, Naz infuses our club gatherings with his unwavering commitment and dedication every Sunday. We know Sunday has become Naz’s favourite day of the week!
A beacon of kindness, care, and an irresistible love for fun, Naz effortlessly connects with everyone he encounters. His boundless energy finds expression in his diverse interests—whether it’s mastering golf swings, badminton volleys, cricket pitches, or lighting up talent shows, where his performances consistently steal the show. Stormzy you have a collaboration waiting for you featuring Naz.
A social dynamo, Naz’s friendly nature effortlessly weaves a tapestry of friendships within the club. His super cool presence is not just about active participation; it’s about creating a welcoming space where friendship thrives.
For Naz, this club represents more than just an activity hub; it’s a sanctuary—a place where he can cultivate independence, forge enduring friendships, and fearlessly explore his talents. His enduring pursuit of positivity, paired with infectious humour and unwavering zeal for new experiences, embodies the essence of the Jack Petchey Award, making Naz a truly deserving recipient.